What's Coming Up!
Books - New Release
of the Spirit of Religion
- What is a ministry's worst nightmare?
- What must every pastor be on guard for?
- What must every congregation protect itself from?
The Spirit of Religion!
Whether you are a lay Christian or called to the five-fold
office of the ministry, Beware of The Spirit of Religion is
a must read!
You'll learn why the spirit of religion is so deadly and
how to vaccinate yourself from this spiritually infectious
virus. You'll also learn the tens signs to let
you know when a person or a ministry has been infected with
spirit of religion and what you must do about it! Coming
Book - New Release
Yourself How To Study The Bible
One of the greatest challenges for the average Believer is
learning how to study the Bible. I hear these questions all
of the time.
Where do I start? What's the difference between reading and
studying? How do I get a clear understanding of what is written?
What type of Bible should I use?
I read about the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Understanding.
I read about the Spirit of Knowledge and the Spirit of Counsel,
how do I get them activated the in my life?
I want to hear God's voice, to be able to know when He is
speaking to me, how do I get to that point? This powerful
training tool has the answers to those questions and more!
Coming soon!!!
Book - New Release
Ties - When Your Past Relationships Come Back To Haunt Your
Future Love
One of the most dangerous mistakes people make when getting
married, is having soul ties with previous boyfriends, girlfriends,
ex-spouses and ex-lovers.
Past soul ties has been the Achilles heel for many marriages
and potential relationships.
In Soul Ties, I'll not only cover soul ties, but I'll also
deal with flesh ties and spiritual ties.
You'll learn how these three ties (soul, flesh and spirit
ties) once formed together, create a hard to break bond that
can come back to haunt your future love.
This is an indispensable training tool for those considering
marriage, pre-marital counselors, pastors, marriage counselors
and therapists. Coming soon!!!
Potent Life Changing Teaching Series
Kill The Men But Let The Women Live - This teaching
series pulls the cover off of, and sheds the light of God's
Word on one of satan's primary but least understood strategies
against the church. Pastors, you must get this series to understand
the fierce battle satan has waged against the church and against
your ministry - to prevent you from evangelizing and discipling
men. This teaching may very well be the turning point in your
ministry! Coming soon!!!
There's Only Two Ways To Be a Man! - What is the path
most males take in life? They go from boyhood to adulthood
but never reach manhood. That's not a criticism. It's an irrefutable
statement of fact! We are males by birth but we become men
by choice. Manhood is not obtained by virtue of a man's age
nor does manhood come through osmosis. In this desperately
needed Word from the Lord, you'll learn how to properly make
the transition from boyhood or adulthood to manhood. Clearly,
every male man must hear this pivotal teaching! It will transform
your life and impact you eternally forever! Coming soon!!!
Operation Spiritual Midwives 2004
God is calling a special group of women in the Body of Christ
to participate in a tactical mission that will serve as the
igniter to usher in one of the greatest harvests of men into
the kingdom of God, the Body of Christ has probably ever seen!
Strategically speaking, this move of God won't take place
unless three things happen: (1) the spiritual midwives must
clearly understand their mission (2) the spiritual midwives
must be in proper position, and (3) the spiritual midwives
must execute their marching orders with exact precision.
What is a spiritual midwife and why are they so critical
to this mighty move of God? You'll get the answers to those
questions soon enough. Currently, we are setting the stage
to launch Operation Spiritual Midwife 2004. Coming soon!!!
Mastering Manhood™
Are you a Pastor? Leader of a men's ministry, men's prison
ministry or men's fellowship? Is your church or outreach successful
(a) Birthing men, (both young and older)
into the kingdom of God?
(b) Discipling and mentoring men?
(c) Transitioning young men from boyhood into
(d) Properly addressing men's issues?
(e) Raising up men of valor and integrity who
are full of faith and power?
At Mastering Manhood™ we've got the tools and training you
need to become razor sharp in the realm of the spirit. With
our training you will impact men's lives (both young and
older) with the Word of God and with the anointing of
the Holy Spirit. We take the guesswork out of raising up faithful
mighty Men of God! What is our foundation? We are founded
upon the 7 biblical principles of Mastering Manhood™. Biblical
principles that every man must be rooted and grounded
in order to fulfill his God-ordained destiny. Now I need you
to closely examine our insignia, you will notice two key points:
This man of God is cloaked in the full armor of God and is
battle ready. He knows how to engage in spiritual warfare
and like all true men of God, he runs to the battle! He attacks
the enemy! He is an invading force!
(2) He is a knight in shinning armor. The men at Mastering
Manhood™ are putting chivalry back into manhood!
Raising up men who are Mastering Manhood™ takes three critical
elements - (a) certain skill sets (b) proper training, and
(3) an anointing from up on high. We have all three essential
elements, no supplements are necessary, and we are excited
about imparting them into your life and ministry! Coming
soon to your church or community!!!
Love, Sex and Relationships
101 Conferences
The answer to the high divorce rate, tense marriages, domestic
violence and failed relationships lies in properly training
both men and women the true dynamics of love, sex, relationships
and marriage. Our anointed conferences leave attendees with
a potent impartation from heaven that revolutionizes their
lives. Coming soon to your church or community!!!
For Gillis Triplett's speaking
itinerary, click here>>
Now that you've learned what's coming up at GTM, and you
want to be kept abreast of events, book releases or ministry
opportunities, please direct your requests, comments or questions
to our contact page.