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Support GTM

II Corinthians 9:7,10,12, NIV
7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God."  

3 Ways To Support GTM:

(1.) ONLINE WITH CREDIT CARD OR CHECK: You can donate online using your Credit Card or Checking Account through Our Secure Site. To increase your security and comfort level with every transaction, we've partnered with PayPal, the world's premier online payment processor. PayPal services over 35 million accounts worldwide! Currently they send and receive transactions in 37 countries utilizing five currencies: U.S. Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling, and the Yen. When it comes to processing transactions online, PayPal is the leader.

PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to theirs using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (Military Grade Encryption, the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to their site, their server checks that you're using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher. PayPal's Policies, Verification and Reputation systems, will keep your transactions safe and secure. *If this is your first time using PayPal, you will need to create an account. There's never a charge and it only takes a moment. Just click on the Make a Donation Button.

We except Visa, Discover, MasterCard, American Express and Electronic checks. If you use the Electronic Check method, don't forget to record the check amount, date and paid to Gillis Triplett Ministries, in your check registry. (Please note: all information given to us is kept confidential and is for ministry use only. We do not sale nor provide your information to others. See our privacy policy.) To make a donation online click on the Make a Donation Button.

(2.) PHONE IN WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD: You can donate using your credit card by calling our toll free number at 800-308-9337. State that you would like to make a donation and provide us with your credit card information. (Please note: this 800 number is for donations and orders only. For ministry info click here. To contact our ministry click here).

(3.) MAIL: If you would like to send your contribution by mail click here for our printable donation form. Please note: the donation form is in .pdf format. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download, view and print the donation form. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, click on the logo to get your free copy.


In Deuteronomy 26, the Word of God reveals how we are to present our tithes and offerings unto the Lord. *Please note: you do not tithe to Gillis Triplett Ministries. You tithe to your local church. Before submitting or sending your donation/offering, please take the time to pray over it and know that we stand in agreement with you.

Heavenly Father, we profess this day to You, that we have come into the inheritance which You swore to give us. We are in the land which You have provided for us in Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of Almighty God. We were sinners serving Satan; he was our god. But we called upon the Name of Jesus, and You heard our cry and delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of Your dear Son.

Jesus, as our Lord and High Priest, we bring the first fruits of our income to You, that You may worship the Lord our God with them. Father, we rejoice in all the good which You have given to us and our households. We have heard Your voice and have done according to all that You have commanded us.

Now Father, as You look down from Your holy habitation from Heaven, to bless us as You said in Your Word, we believe that we now receive those blessings according to Your Word. This is our confession of faith.


Thank you for your generous support. We invite you to read the following message from our Pastor for information on how your contributions empower us to be about our Father's business:

From the Heart of Gillis Triplett....
First of all, Greetings in the Name above all names, our Lord and Saviour.-Jesus the Christ

What an honor it is to know that we, (you and I) are laborers together in one of the most critical missions on planet earth.

I Corinthians 3:9
For we are labourers together with God.

Our mission is restoring mankind back to God's original blueprint by preaching the gospel to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, preaching deliverance to the captives, recovering of site to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised. we are laborers together, teammates if you will, because of your prayers and financial support. with which, you empower Gillis Triplett Ministries. To empower means: to equip or supply with an ability; to enable. Quite simply, you enable us change lives. I could share numerous testimonies but there are two that stick out in mind.

“I’ve made the decision and I will be a man who is Mastering Manhood!”

“This meeting has changed my life forever…”

“I have never been in such a powerful meeting…”

Those are the words a number of men expressed to me after receiving the Word of God at meeting I participated in, in Atlanta, Georgia in November of 2003. Their lives were impacted in a monumental way. Many of those men will never be the same. Because of your support we are not only able to sow the Word of God but also to give these men vital training material, free of charge, to help them get on track to becoming men who are Mastering Manhood™.

The Lord has anointed me to be able to reach, impact and transform men’s hearts with a message that transcends all cultural, social, educational and economic dividing lines. And I sense by the Holy Spirit that 2004 will be a year of great harvest as we launch out into the deep, (with your support) to bring multitudes of men back to God’s original blueprint for their lives.

She Was Bound By a Spirit of Suicide
In the summer of 2003, I received a call from a young lady who was contemplating suicide. She had gone to three different doctors, who after examining her, each put her on a mind-altering drug. Like many people in our society suffering from depression she experienced the harmful side effects of Remeron, Zoloft, and Prozac. And, like the woman in Mark 5:26, she only grew worse. At her wits end, this woman picked up the Yellow Pages and desperately sought a church. In her state of depression, she instinctively knew the only way she was going to receive any lasting help was to turn to the One Who breathed into her, the breath of life, the Lord God Almighty.

Although our listing in the phone book was only a miniscule name and telephone number, the Lord impressed upon her heart to call our ministry. I remember her voice and cry as if it were this morning. After listening to her story, speaking with and praying for her, I sent her a care package with a copy of the spiritual warfare handbook, How To Make The Devil Obey You!!! Four months later we received another call from the same lady.

Praise God she was no longer bound by the spirit of depression or the spirit of suicide. She told me how reading that book changed her life. The original blueprint for her life did not include depression or suicide and we, (you and I) were able to help her to get back to her God’s blueprint for her life by sending out that care package. We were able to do so because of your financial support of this ministry. Those are just two of many…

I am truly grateful that you obeyed the Lord's voice and helped us financially so that we can bless others. In the coming months, you'll be reading first hand testimonies from individuals we, (you and I) have helped and the other great things we are doing to advance kingdom of God.

"Rest assured, your prayers and financial support of GTM
is having an eternal impact on the lives of many people..."

In service of our King and soon coming Christ.

Gillis Triplett, His humble servant and (YBIC) Your Brother In Christ

Mastering Manhood
School of Healing
GTM Bookstore
Love, Sex and Relationship 101

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